


World Health Day – Health For All

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World Health Day Celebration

Health is wealth, and this couldn’t be more true in today’s fast-paced world, where work and daily routine takes up most of our time. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize our health and well-being, and what better way to do so than by celebrating World Health Day at your workplace?

World Health Day is a global health awareness day observed every year on the 7th of April, with the aim of promoting healthier living and ensuring that everyone has access to healthcare services. This day provided us with an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about health issues among our office staff. 

At Ably Soft, we strongly believe that a healthy employee is a happy employee, and a happy employee is a productive employee. Therefore, to recognize and celebrate World Health Day, we organized a health awareness talk and check-up for our employees. We wanted to promote healthy living and encourage our employees to prioritize their health and well-being. 

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The event started with the seminar on ‘Lifestyle Medicine” by the renowned doctor, Dr. Shivani. During the health talk, the doctor discussed lifestyle medicine in detail and gave us tips on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. The health talk was very informative, she interacted with all members and listened to the challenges faced by them in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Later on in the event, she suggested measures to easily tackle those problems. 

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The doctor stressed the importance of exercise, meditation, proper nutrition, stress management, and getting enough sleep to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It becomes extremely important, especially for those individuals, who work in sitting jobs which puts them at an even greater risk of developing chronic diseases. 

Dr. Shivani explained that while chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases are caused by a range of factors, including genetic and environmental factors, they can be prevented, managed, and treated with the help of lifestyle medicine.

Lifestyle medicine is an evidence-based approach that addresses lifestyle factors such as diet, physical activity, stress, and sleep. It focuses on empowering individuals to make sustainable lifestyle changes that can improve their overall health and well-being. 

The talk was indeed very informative and engaging and we all walked away with new knowledge and practical tips to incorporate into our daily lives. Dr. Shivani ended the talk with a wonderful thought-provoking quote.

Eat your food as your medicine, or your medicine will be your food.” 

In addition to the health talk, we also arranged for a health check-up for our employees.

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The check-up was conducted by a team of qualified doctors and involved a series of tests to check blood pressure, sugar level, weight, and overall health status. It also involved eye check-up, medicine consultations, diet consultations, and more. 

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The participants received a health report and had a one-to-one conversation with the doctors regarding their health issues. It was an excellent opportunity for our employees to assess their health and take proactive steps toward improving it.

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At Ably Soft, we prioritize the health and well-being of our employees, and we strongly believe that healthy employees are essential for a productive and happy workplace. Therefore, we regularly organize health check-ups and motivate our employees to care for their health. We also encourage our employees to take breaks, here we call them ‘Flexi-breaks’ and offer fitness/dance classes during the week. 

Overall, celebrating World Health Day was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about health issues and promote healthier living among our staff. The health talk and check-up were a reminder of the importance of taking care of our health. We hope to continue celebrating such days in the future and helping our employees in gaining work-life balance and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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